The main objective of the IMMC is the High Specialization and practical preparation for Professionals and Graduates in Music
The main objective is the High Specialization and practical preparation at the level of artistic excelence:
The global contents of the IMMC are the intensive preparation and staging in concert of works of the Symphonic, Symphonic with soloist and Opera Repertoire.
The objetives and specific contents of each Field of specialization can be read in the section dedicated to Program and Methodology.
Nevertheless they are detailed bellow:
The main objective is the analysis, study, preparation and rehearsal of the Symphonic and Opera Repertoire, which will culminate, with level of TECHNIcal and artistic excelence, at the Concert.
The main objectiveis the analysis, study, preparation and rehearsal of the Symphonic and Opera Repertoire, which will culminate, with a level of technical and artistic excelence, at the Concert.
The main objective is the analysis, study, preparation and rehearsal of the Piano Repertoire and the Piano with Orchestra Repertoire selected for the Concert.
The Compostion Field, divided in Technique and Analysis, and History and Stylistic , will be developed by the most prestigious composers in the different musical styles, including theoretical and practical classes of great interest in the specialization of Composition, as well as the one of Orchestra Conducting.
The main objective is the analysis, study, preparation and rehearsal with correpetitors and singers of the Opera Repertoire selected for the Concert.
The main objective is the analysis, study, preparation and rehearsal with correpetitors, conductor and orchestra of the Opera Repertoire selected for the Concert.