The IMMC are addressed to Professionals and Graduates as Active Participants and, in the cases provided for, students of Superior Courses of Music in all instrumental specializations, as well as they are open, in the modality of Listeners, to other Graduations and University Studies of high level and related to the referenced Fields of Study
The IMMC is mainly aimed to Orchestra Conductors of solid academic and artistic formation and Teachers of Orchestra Conducting, with priority in the process of selection to the condition of Active Participants, as well as Superior Graduates in Orchestra Conducting, with a previous selection according to Curriculum and merits.
*Admission of Active Participants subject to request and subsequent selection of participants (limited places)
The admission of Listening Participants is aimed at Professionals, Superior Graduates, and Students of Superior Courses of Orchestra Conducting, Correpetitors, Composers, Superior Graduates in Music of the different specializations and instruments, students of Superior Courses and Teachers in Musicology, Performing Arts, University and other interested, subject to fulfilling the requirements of admission and by strict order of registration.
*The participants are requested to know perfectly the complete selected Repertoire
Professional Musicians playing Symphonic Instruments, Superior Graduates of an Instrument students of instruments finishing Higher Studies and gifted with a special talent (they will be the active members, orchestra members with a previous selection according presented curriculum and merits).
*Admission of Active Participants (members of the Orchestra) subject to request and subsequent selection of participants (limited places). Awarded grants by the GMIF..
In the Modality of Listening Participants: Professionals, Superior Graduates, and last courses of Superior Degrees in Music of special talent, Graduates and Teachers in Musicology, university students and Teachers disciplines related to the music world and other interested people, subject to fulfilling the requirements of admission and by strict order of registration .
*The participants are requested to know perfectly the complete selected Repertoire.
As Active Participants it is aimed to Concert Pianists, Professional Pianists, Teachers and Superior Graduates in Piano with talent and solid academic and artistic training, subject to fulfilling the requirements of admission and by strict order of registration.
Admission of Active Participants subject to request and subsequent selection of participants (limited places).
As Listening Participants, to Teachers and students of Superior Degree of Piano, university students, students and Teachers in Musicology and other cases, subject to fulfilling the requirements of admission and by strict order of registration.
*The participants are requested to know perfectly the complete selected Repertoire.
Specially aimed to Orchestra Conductors, accompanying Pianists, Piano Teachers (as Active Participants) subject to fulfilling the requirements of admission and by strict order of registration.
In the modality of Listening Participants: Superior Graduates in Music and students of Superior Courses in Orchestra Conducting and Piano, Teachers and students of Superior Courses of Music and Scenic Arts as well as university students of disciplines related to the music and performance world, subject to fulfilling the requirements of admission and by strict order of registration .
* The participants are requested to know perfectly the complete selected Repertoire.
** It will be positively valued a link to a performance interpretation, with a duration of 15 minutes, of any of the works in CMIM Program Correpetition Area.
Specially aimed to Professional Singers, Teachers and Superior Graduates in Singing (Active Participants, components of the cast of the Opera) subject to fulfilling the requirements of admission and by strict order of registration. .
*Admission of Active Participants subject to request and subsequent selection of participants (restricted places) subject to fulfilling the requirements of admission and by strict order of registration
In the modality of Listening Participants: advanced singing students, university students and other cases, with a previous selection and admission to the IMMC
*The participants are requested to know perfectly the complete selected Repertoire.
Specially aimed to Professional Singers, Teachers, Piano Accompanists and Superior Graduates in Singing subject to fulfilling the requirements of admission and by strict order of registration. .
*Admission of Active Participants subject to request and subsequent selection of participants (restricted places) subject to fulfilling the requirements of admission and by strict order of registration
In the modality of Listening Participants: advanced singing students, piano students, university students and other cases, with a previous selection and admission to the IMMC
*The participants are requested to know perfectly the complete selected Repertoire.
Specially aimed to Composers, Orchestra Conductors, Teachers and Superior Graduates in Composition, students of final courses in Composition, as well as Superior Graduates in Music and University Students, students and Teachers in Musicology, university Teachers and students of disciplines related to the music world and other interested, subject to fulfilling the requirements of admission and by strict order of registration.
All Participating Composers are considered Active (limited places)